Sonic wasters from New York, Oneida are coming to Missoula this month, courtesy of KBGA. Oneida play Total Fest IX, which happens August 19-21 (2010) at the Palace, Badlander, Missoula Art Museum and Big Dipper Ice Cream. Ear Candy Music in Missoula has passes, and KBGA will feature a interview, and we'll post a link to that here shortly. A full listing of all Total Fest bands can be found at, brah. Total Fest is an all-ages welcomed event.
Hey, enjoy a vid of their (quite poppy, by other) standards the Adversary tune here, and familiarize with some of their other music, like the tune Up With People. Their catalog runs incredibly deep, and we dig it from start to finish.
Wednesday Music News
7 years ago