KBGA doesn't spend but a week a year making requests of you, our listeners and friends. The other
You want Nickelback, get it from another source. You want non-commercial, community-driven, volunteer-supported, Melvins-playin', rad event throwin' (Kurt Vile? Vampire Weekend?), local-band/musician charting (see Volumen, Turner Capehart Canty, the Electric Dandelion, Rooster Sauce, Bridgebuilder, Vera, etc. etc. etc.) tune your dial (or browser) to 89.9FM and kbga.org.
We've got premiums galore, ranging from gift certificates to restaurants, sweet merch from local businesses, and a whole heckuva lot more. Our needs are modest, your support goes a long way toward keeping us on the air and streaming!
Love, KBGA volunteers and staff.