Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Sonic wasters from New York, Oneida are coming to Missoula this month, courtesy of KBGA. Oneida play Total Fest IX, which happens August 19-21 (2010) at the Palace, Badlander, Missoula Art Museum and Big Dipper Ice Cream. Ear Candy Music in Missoula has passes, and KBGA will feature a interview, and we'll post a link to that here shortly. A full listing of all Total Fest bands can be found at totalfest.org, brah. Total Fest is an all-ages welcomed event.
Hey, enjoy a vid of their (quite poppy, by other) standards the Adversary tune here, and familiarize with some of their other music, like the tune Up With People. Their catalog runs incredibly deep, and we dig it from start to finish.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Anyhow, at the end of April KBGA opened its doors and heart to the public at large, and among other things, heard some great supportive words from long-time listeners and supporters about the important role the station plays in providing an independent source of music, news and ideas. Most of the crowd comprised folks with some kind of direct station connection, with the exception of Charles Martin, an awesome photographer who's documented a ton of Missoula's live music scene on his Flickr page. Some of us discussed the awesome role KBGA plays in offering a venue for local music to be played and find support, and expressed intrest in developing a broader vision for the station, beyond what's traditionally been around. Folks discussed the importance of maintaining an informal "use KBGA to learn, make mistakes and figure out radio" vibe, but also discussed the possibilities for creating and archiving some of the station's unique content.
KBGA has gone through its annual new-hiring process, and if you're interested in seeing who comprises the student staff, have a look at the main website, good ol' KBGA.org
And what all else here... KBGA is sponsoring Total Fest (August 19-21)again this year, and specifically, is responsible for underwriting the travel of Brooklyn psych lords ONEIDA! Whoa. Be there.
Friday, February 5, 2010
KBGA doesn't spend but a week a year making requests of you, our listeners and friends. The other
You want Nickelback, get it from another source. You want non-commercial, community-driven, volunteer-supported, Melvins-playin', rad event throwin' (Kurt Vile? Vampire Weekend?), local-band/musician charting (see Volumen, Turner Capehart Canty, the Electric Dandelion, Rooster Sauce, Bridgebuilder, Vera, etc. etc. etc.) tune your dial (or browser) to 89.9FM and kbga.org.
We've got premiums galore, ranging from gift certificates to restaurants, sweet merch from local businesses, and a whole heckuva lot more. Our needs are modest, your support goes a long way toward keeping us on the air and streaming!
Love, KBGA volunteers and staff.